Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQ”)
on the Basics of Child Support
Patrick McGraw Offers Answers with Expertise in Child Support
McGraw Law P.C. provides answers to questions that many clients ask when interviewing an attorney. Do you have more questions about the basics of child support? Call McGraw Law P.C. today at (540) 904-5704 or message us online.
Q: What is Child Support?
A: Child support is a payment by one parent to the other parent for the support of their common child. It is in the best interest of a child that both parents realize obligations to pay for the support of their child.
Q: What is a Child Support Order?
A: A child support order is a document from a court that states when, how often, and how much a parent is to pay for child support. A child support order is part of a divorce decree or paternity judgment.
Q: Who Can Be Ordered to Pay It?
A: A court can order either parent of a child to pay support to the other parent. The court order for support is usually payable on a monthly basis. Many states want child support paid by wage assignment, thus reducing the need for later enforcement actions.
Q: Obligor and Oblige -- Which One is Which?
A: The obligor is the required parent that pays the child support to the other parent. The obliged is the parent who receives the payment from the other parent.